Setting Up a NetHasp (2021)
The Nethasp can be setup on any server or PC on your network. From there it will be able to broadcast your Mastercam licenses to any PC on said network. It is important that during setup, you are physically at the Server or PC. Most remote services will not display the Nethaspx.exe Properly.
First, we must decide whether the NetHasp will be installed on a server or PC that already has Mastercam installed.
Installing the NetHasp on a Server/PC with Mastercam installed:
Download the License Manager from
Mastercam's utilities download page
Install License Manager
Open & run “mastercam-licensemanager.exe”
Agree to the license agreement & Install
Install as a service (so if it is shut off it will not need to be restarted) next -> set path of files (default is fine)
set name of application (Default Name is fine)
it will then install the software and prompt you to install the drivers.
say yes to start the service (Nhasp must be connected before you finish here)
Installing the NetHasp on a Server/PC *WITHOUT* Mastercam installed:
Follow the steps above to download and install the License Manager
Download the "Nethaspx.exe" (Note: Mastercam installs this EXE automatically)
- The Nethasp.exe is not an install but a standalone utility used to view and update the licenses hosted by the USB dongle. Not to be confused with the Nethasp Monitor.
Create a Folder in your Program Files named "Mastercam 2021"
Extract the components in the download and place them in this file.
Make a shortcut on the desktop for easy reference (right-click exe -> "send to" -> "Desktop").
Related Articles:
Updating the NetHasp (NetHasp codes) [article In-Progress]
- Hasp is not Recognized by PC/Server
Client PCs are not finding Nethasp [article In-Progress]
Licenses are being lost on the network (Monitor) [article In-Progress]
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